Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First United Bank of Dallin

Dallin has been doing well with getting around. He has a little scoot/crawl that he does. He takes a few crawling "steps' on his hands and knees, and then he'll do an inch worm scoot to get to his destination. Today he mostly crawled about 3 feet to the diaper bag, knocked it over and took out my wallet. He knew exactly where it was and what is inside it.

Later on he pulled the credit cards out.

It's way too early for him to be interested in money!


Julie Knight said...

Smart kid. He knows whats important. Stick with the credit cards Dwalaburton, they'll get you further.

Katie said...

Cute! He looks so happy and proud of himself.

Karen C. said...

It looks like he's counting the change. What a smart boy!

John said...

I love his smile. He looks so happy, and with a hint of deviousness.