Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Growing Up

I feel like Dallin has grown up so much in recent months. Maybe it's because I'm getting ready to have a newborn baby in the house again, and I'm realizing just how much Dallin has grown up since the days when he was a tiny newborn. Or maybe he subconsciously knows that he has to be grown up and help take care of his new brother. Either way, I'm loving this new stage.

We changed his crib to a toddler bed when we moved over a month ago. For the most part, he does really well and stays in bed. But sometimes (usually for naps) he decides he's not tired enough and would rather get up and play. The thing is that there is not much to play with. The toddler bed/crib that Dallin sleeps in is in the "baby room," the room the baby (and thus, the crib) will be in when he's born. "Dallin's room" has all his toys in it and the twin size bed that Dallin will eventually sleep in. (Confusing enough for you?) The point is that there are no toys in the room Dallin sleeps in, just a dresser full of clothes. So when he gets up to "play," there's not really anything to play with. I can usually hear him up and about, pulling clothes out of the dresser for about an hour until he falls asleep on the floor.
I love the way he's sleeping, with both his arms behind him.
Oddly enough, he seems to sleep just as well on the floor.

Dallin has finally reached 22 lbs and is big enough for a forward facing car seat. I thought this day would never come!
He loves it! And I love that it's easier to get him in to.

He likes to "help" me do things, even if it's not always actually helpful to me. Like when I sweep and he follows me around with the dust pan, trying to scoop up the crumbs himself, but really just messing up my pile. Although, it is pretty cute to watch him pick up crumbs, one by one, and place them in the dust pan.

Yesterday he helped me bring the groceries in from the car. I gave him the lightest bag, but it was still a little heavy for him. He had to drag it.
I guess it's a long walk from the car to the front door because he got distracted for a bit. He thought poking a stick in the mulch would be much more fun than boring groceries.
I just love how much he's growing up.


neil said...

Poking things with sticks is a time honored tradition. Welcome to the club, Dallin.

Katie said...

I love the dragging the groceries in pictures. I bet he loves his forward facing car seat!

Karen C. said...

I love the pictures with Dallin dragging the groceries. Its so funny when little kids try to carry things that are heavy for them. I think poking sticks in the dirt might be a genetic trait for boys. Also, Dallin looks so cute sleeping on the floor!

Alan C said...

I have not yet outgrown poking sticks in the dirt. I am getting quite good at it. Maybe I can help teach Dallin some of the finer points. I also love the photo of Dalin dragging the groceries.