Thursday, September 22, 2011

Can't touch this!

This is a review of what Dallin has been up to... in pictures and videos.

Dallin loves to eat black olives. He loves them in pasta salad, quesadillas, right out of the can... At the rate he eats them, I've starting buying larger cans of whole olives (rather than pre-sliced) and slicing them myself. He'll eat the olives whole too, and I taught him the proper way to eat whole olives: poke your finger in the hole and eat it right off your finger!
(He kept eating the olives too quickly for me to snap the picture in time, but trust me, there is an olive on that finger in his mouth!)

The boy is obsessed with shoes, mainly because wearing shoes means you get to go outside. Recently, I was going through baby clothes (to prepare for baby 2.0) and Dallin found some flip flops. He's never liked sandals on his feet and never wanted to wear these flip flops, but on this particular day, he really wanted to wear them. I obliged him, and as soon as they were on his feet, he wanted them off.
I took the shoes off for him. Then he came back to me with the shoes, begging me to put them on his feet again. When the sandals were once again on his feet...
...he wanted them taken off again. I guess he really wants to like the flip flops, but it's a feeling he'll have to get used to first.
Dallin dances when he hears music. His "dance" is usually just bobbing his head with the music, but it cracks me up every time.
Hammer Time!

(Excuse the sideways video. I don't think I can rotate it after it's already been recorded this way. Noted for future filming reference.)
Nevermind, I fixed it! Thanks, Neil!

Dallin has started speech therapy now and his language skills are really progressing. He's learning a lot of sign language along with it. We've been reading a baby sign language book and his favorite sign in it is "cold." This sign is made by clenching your fists close to you, like you're shivering. Dallin makes a face when he signs it and clenches his teeth too. I love it! You can kind of see the "cold" face in this video.

This second video shows his fists making the sign a little better.


neil said...

I love that of all the songs you could have made him dance to, you went to the Hammer. I hope you snag him some parachute pants for Halloween.

Sideways videos use to drive me nuts before I figured out that you can rotate them in Windows Movie Maker. It comes bundles with XP so you probably already have it on your computer. Ask the googles and they will tell you how.

Katie said...

Haha, ask the googles... I love his love/hate relationship with those flip flops. His cold face is cute.

Katie said...

Lucas just came in and made me play these videos like 25 times. He likes Dallin's cold face too!

Karen C. said...

I laughed at the idea of Dallin eating the olives off his finger too fast for you to get his picture. He is a true olive-loving boy. That is a great face he is making as he discovers he doesn't really like the flip-flops after all.

Thanks for all the fun videos!