Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dallin is starting to become more comfortable with eating food. A problem we're encountering now is that he doesn't want to be spoon fed by someone else. As an almost 2 year old child, he wants to be independent and feed himself, but he is no where near having enough coordination to do it. But we let him try anyway. Last night we had Chili for dinner and he loved it.
The great thing is that he will actually put his spoon in the bowl to get a little scoop and then put the spoon in his mouth.
While he's probably getting more food on his face and shirt than in his mouth, he is learning. And if he is willing putting solid food into his mouth, I'm not gonna stop it.

He liked the chili so much he licked his bowl clean.
He may have seen me lick my bowl once, and now he does it all the time. I love the habits I'm teaching my child! And hey, eating is eating!


neil said...

I love the popped collar.

You guys seriously need to invest in some bibs.

heidi said...

I LOVE your pictures!! Dallin is so cute!

Crapos said...

I'm impressed at how white that shirt still is.

Katie said...

YAY! I'm so glad about how good he is getting at eating solid foods. He looks so cute with food all over his face. And licking his bowl!

John said...

Very impressive. I had no idea he was eating solid foods now, that's exciting! I love the pictures, especially the one of him licking his bowl.

Karen C. said...

So is Dallin actually eating solid food? Or does he just like the juice? He sure looks happy.

Sheri E. said...

I just gave him the sauce of the chili. He did get a few beans and chunks of meat, but he would just put them in his mouth and suck on them. He's making progress for sure, but actually eating the food would be a miracle!