Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More Christmas fun

Dallin likes watching other babies and children. He seems fascinated by them. So he really enjoyed spending two weeks with kids around him all the time. When Dallin would get fussy, one of his cousins would come smile at him and Dallin would stop crying and smile back. Dallin really liked his cousin Porter. Porter is only 2 weeks older than Dallin so they're good buddies.
They stayed like this talking to each other for a good 10 minutes.

On Christmas Eve, we listened to rolls of Christmas music on the Player Piano and sang along. Here are 2 other cousins singing with grandpa.

Last year around Christmas, the Easton's did a Ginger Ale taste test to see which brand was the best. (I think Seagrams Ginger Ale won that one.)
This year we did a Root Beer taste test. I was interested in what my choices would be because A&W is by far my favorite root beer, but I wanted to see if I would still choose that as the best in a blind taste test.
We got 7 different kinds of root beer and the cups were prepared by Mom and Dad Easton so we didn't know which brand was in which cup.
We tasted each one and chose our top 3.

The outcome: 1st place - A&W
2nd place - IBC
3rd place - Mug

Now we have proof that A&W truly is the best root beer. My votes surprised me. After choosing my top 3 numbers, I learned that my root beer choices were, in order: A&W, DIET A&W, and Barqs. I can always taste an undesirable difference when a soda is diet, so I don't know how I chose a diet soda. My only explanation is that this drink was in cup #7 so by the time I got to that one my taste buds were getting confused and couldn't distinguish the aspartame flavor. At least my top 2 choices were A&W. I'm a true fan! 2 of the choices were clear losers. There was always a resounding groan or "eeww" from anyone drinking one of these. The brands: Hansen's and Big K. The store brand may work for some things, but when it comes to root beer, don't settle.

1 comment:

Katie said...

That soda tasting thing is so fun! I want to do that. And I'm seriously disappointed in you... DIET!?!?!