...by camping! For the weekend of the 4th of July, we went camping at Eagle Lake in northern California. My mom's side of the family goes camping there every year and we decided to join them. The drive took about 11 hours, which wasn't bad considering it was supposed to take 10 hours. Dallin did really well in the car, much better than our trip to Denver when he was 4 weeks old. My sister Sarah drove with us and I think Dallin liked having someone to play with and look at for the entire trip. Although, when we got close to the lake, Dallin could not stop starring out the window at all the huge trees by the road.
Dallin did really well camping. With a lot of great aunts and uncles to hold him all the time, he was a pretty content baby. And he likes being outside a lot, so it must have been a treat for him to live outside! He slept well and didn't wake anyone up in the middle of the night (except for me...). Our campsite was really close to the lake and we walked down to play in it everyday. Mckay and I went on a little kayaking trip on the lake one day. My uncles brought two boats along for waterskiing, tubing and overall general merriment. I didn't do any waterskiing this time, but Mckay and I did some tubing. We were both out at the same time and our tubes kept hitting each other. One collision was so big it knocked me off the tube and sent me flying into the water, causing me to almost lose my swimsuit. That was the end of my adventures with tubing. We had a lot of fun playing with cousins and seeing a lot of family that I don't have many chances to see often. We were driving back on the 4th of July, so we actually spent our Independence day trapped in a car, but we did get to see a few fireworks here and there along the highway. It was a really fun trip and I'm glad we were able to go. Here are a few of the pictures I managed to take.

Next to the lake. Notice our awesome boats in the background.
The water was a little cold for Dallin. Right then he was just enjoying his hand and hadn't noticed the water yet...
...but as he got deeper he got more concerned.
lounging on the beach
Joseph (my brother), Dallin (cousin not my son), and Ryan(cousin). 3 cousins around the same age getting ready for missions.
teaching my little cousins how to start a fire with my glasses
this is all we could get burning
playing Settlers of Catan, a traditional Eagle Lake pastime
My cousin Stori loved Dallin! She was always looking for him and wanting to hold him. She would run grab a tissue whenever he had the slightest bit of drool on his chin. In the picture, she put her blanket on Dallin. I think the stroller ride was a little rough and Dallin was trying to figure out who was driving.
We found this huge gross bug under our tent!
Mckay playing frisbee with my cousins. Mckay loves frisbee and my cousins were always wanting to play too.