Monday, April 30, 2012


One of our family goals for the year is to regularly read the scriptures as a family. Before we made this goal, we would often read after the kids went to bed, and the time varied depending on when we found time to read. Now, we've set a specific time to read each day: after dinner and before getting kids ready for bed. It's easier to remember to read now that we've scheduled time for it. And now it's FAMILY scripture time involving the kids as well. We're trying to make Dallin more of an active participant in reading now that he's getting older.

All of that was to set you up for this video. One night, feeling tired and not wanting to get off the couch to fetch the scriptures, we told Dallin to go get them. We'd never given him that command; we weren't even sure if he understood the words. But we wanted to see what he would do. This is what happened:
(We didn't intend for the video to end on him falling down, but the camera died. He wasn't hurt so don't feel bad if you laughed.)

We were amazed that he not only understood the command, but brought us our scriptures and knew which book belonged to which person! His "scriptures" are really a book of scripture stories with pictures. He loves looking at the pictures as we read. I love how his communication skills (both expressive and receptive) are improving. And hopefully he's learning a little about the scriptures as we read.


  1. Such a smart kid! I love how he uses his mouth when he runs out of hands :)

  2. Oh Dwallaburton! What a smarty smart boy! So adorable!

  3. We haven't tried scripture reading with Lucas yet, maybe we should, but he loves FHE. It amazes me how much kids pick up on sometimes.

  4. That is a GREAT video. I love watching Dallin. He is such a smart kid.
