Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Getting into trouble

Dallin is getting into all kinds of things today.... not just trouble.

 Dallin got into the laundry basket and requested that Connor sit with him.

This picture is blurry, but Connor's face is good.
 They played in there for a while until Dallin decided it would be fun to whack Connor with the toys. Connor did not like that game.

Later, I could hear Dallin playing in his room, but it was suspicious that he had been playing in there alone for over 30 minutes. I looked in and this is what I found.
He somehow figured out how to climb in, but could not climb out! At least he was playing happily the whole time.

 (The pack and play was up so that my friend's child could take a nap that day.)

I got him out, thinking he wanted to be rescued, but he climbed right back in.


  1. Kieran (our 3-year-old with WS) loves climbing in our pack-n-play (which is where our youngest sleeps), too. Crazy kids. :o)

  2. Connor's face was too good! Could you just mail him to me for the weekend? That would be cool since I don't have to work again until monday :)

  3. We have been getting the baby room ready, and Lucas thinks it's fun to climb in the crib and play, but for some reason he can't remember how to climb out again. Why do kids love playing inside of things? Connor is so cute!

  4. Yea for Dallin being able to climb into the pack and play. Dallin and Connor are adorable playing together.

  5. Connor is getting so big and grown up! I love the pictures of Dallin and Connor in the basket.
