Friday, April 27, 2012


Connor and Dallin both discovered something new this week.
Connor was introduced to the jumperoo.
He loves it and his feet actually touch the ground! (With Dallin, we put a phone book under his feet for the longest time so he could jump.) Connor growls at Dallin though when Dallin comes over and tries to play with the toys.

Dallin discovered his shadow.
Dallin did not have school today because it was a day off. I think he knew it was a day he normally had school because I found him trying to sneak out of the house with his jacket and backpack.
 So we went outside and had a snack in the yard.
 Connor got a hold of an apple slice and enjoyed sucking on it.

I'm not sure what Dallin was trying to do here.
 A few weeks ago, we bought a bike trailer for the boys to ride in.
 Dallin looked really nervous for a while.

But he must have relaxed eventually because he was asleep by the end of the ride.
Good thing he was already wearing pajamas.


  1. Dallin with his shadow! Love that you caught video of that!

  2. Haha, his face is hilarious. Lucas was nervous of the bike trailer the first time he rode in it too. He'll get used to it. The boys and looking so big!

  3. I usually read blogs at work and due to work internet restrictions videos and making comments are prohibited. I just went through all the videos you've posted and I can't believe how grown up those boys have gotten! I haven't even met Conner yet and he's grown so much! Dallin has gotten so big too! He's walking and talking and has such a curious personality. I LOVE it!

  4. Yeah seriously, I haven't met Connor either. He's probably going to be freaked out by all this family he never knew he had! They're both just the cutest things though, good job on the baby making skills Sheri!
