With Dallin being at school all day, Connor and I get to spend a lot of time together. And since he went to all my midwife appointments with me and helped me get out our baby things, he was really pretty excited for Bennett's arrival.
When I got the baby car seat out, Connor put his baby in and read him a book.
I would often find him with a stuffed animal down his shirt, pretending to be pregnant.
Thanksgiving was the day after I came home from the hospital with Bennett. It was a very lazy day.
My wonderful parents cooked all of the dinner for us. I requested my favorite turkey recipe and my dad did a great job.
Here's our 7 pounder next to the 11 pounder bird.
Ready to eat!
For dessert, we had a delicious selection of 5 pies.
It may have been overkill for 4 adults, but we couldn't narrow down the choices. The leftovers made a good snack over the next week for a hungry, nursing mother.
A few days later Bennett got his first bath at home.
He doesn't like being cold, but as long as I kept him bundled and warm, he enjoyed it.
I just can't get enough of his sweet face.
The excitement of a new baby hasn't worn off yet. Every morning, Dallin and Connor are so excited when Bennett wakes up and they ask to hold him.
Most of the time, they are sweet and gentle to him. We've only had to remind them a few times that Bennett can't wrestle yet.
I made a quilt for Bennett while I was pregnant.
The plan was to have it finished completely before he was born, but that didn't quite happen. I did manage to finish it before he was 3 weeks old, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I love the fabric and colors and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Dinner looks delicious! The pies look even better. And I love little Bennett next to the turkey. And Connor's doll in the carseat.