Thursday, February 5, 2015

Halloween 2014

(Still catching up to present time...)

 The boys love Halloween, Dallin especially. It's strange because he doesn't like to get scared, but he loves skeletons and zombies and Darth Vader and The Nightmare before Christmas. They were very happy when October rolled around and I let them get out our Halloween decorations. 

They got to decorate pumpkins with stickers--much easier than carving.
 The sticker kit we got was supposed to give you a few different "face" options for your pumpkin. Dallin and Connor went with Picasso pumpkins and put all the stickers on randomly.
Whatever makes them happy...

We went to a Halloween party at our friends' house. I took advantage of my pregnancy bump and dressed it up.
That's no moon.

 For our church Trunk or Treat, we did a family costume theme of "Plants vs. Zombies." (If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a video game.)
Dallin and Connor were Conehead zombies and Mckay was Crazy Dave. I, once again, dressed up my belly and went as a sunflower.

Halloween night was rainy with barely above freezing temperatures. We made our traditional homemade pizza and took found a little break in the rain to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood for a bit. We got cold pretty quickly and the rain started again, so we went to only a few houses and then came home.
The boys inspected their stash.

Connor drank some hot chocolate.
Then we passed out candy the rest of the night. Since there weren't many trick-or-treaters out due to the weather, we had a lot of leftover candy that we didn't give out. We might still have a lot of that candy 3 months later...

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