Sunday, June 24, 2012

Father's Day

Who is that handsome man standing in my front yard?
 Why, it's Mckay wearing the new suit he got for Father's Day!
 Since Mckay got me a new dress for Mother's Day, I figured he should have something new to wear to church as well. It fits his slim figure very nicely.

 For dinner, I made Ribs covered in the most delicious rub.
 And for dessert we had lemon bars made with fresh California lemons straight from my parents backyard.

Mckay got to celebrate by going to Sunday School at church for the first time in over 18 months. He is no longer working in the nursery at church. While he will really miss being with those little kids each week, it is kind of nice to be able to sit with him again. The trade off is that his new calling in church is in the Boy Scout program, so he's gone on Wednesday nights each week.

I loved the Father's Day card that Dallin made at church for Mckay. This card had a spot for the children to write why they love their Dads. Since Dallin doesn't really talk or understand a lot of things yet, anything he makes is done mostly by the nursery workers. The card says, "I love my Daddy because he... throws me." It made me laugh. I know Dallin didn't suggest that, and I'm not sure who "helped" him write it, but Dallin does love it when Mckay throws him in the air. Every child should be so lucky to have a Dad who throws them.


  1. Haha that Father's day card is pretty awesome. And it definitely is nice when your spouse can sit next to you in church, they always seem to get your jokes the best. Not that you should be joking about anything in church... :/

  2. HOW COME I DIDN'T know about your blog!!!!! You have the most amazing family. xoxo Ashley

  3. Mckay looks very handsome (and slender) in his new suit. That was a great idea for a Father's Day gift. I love the Father's Day card from Dallin. It was a very appropriate card for Dallin to give his daddy.
