Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TV Therapy

Some days when I'm feeling stressed, depressed, or like things aren't going well, I like to turn on the TV and watch TLC. Their shows always make me feel better about myself.

Last week I saw one of their new shows, I'm pregnant and... . This episode was pregnant and "homeless," and "have an eating disorder." My apartment may be small, but at least I have a nice comfy home and a husband who is able to get a job. And I've never had a problem with wanting to eat enough food, while pregnant or otherwise.

After watching the show I didn't know I was pregnant, I'm always glad that I had plenty of warning I was pregnant. There was no other explanation for that belly.

On days when I feel like taking care of Dallin is a challenge, I like to watch Jon and Kate plus 8. Watching the craziness of the little septuplets running around makes me glad that Dallin is only one child instead of 6. And it reminds me to not get worked up about little things, which often happens with Kate on the show.

But the one show that doesn't really help to brighten this particular mood is 18 Kids and Counting (now 19 kids). It's sometimes hard for me to keep up with Dallin and everything I have to do, but some how Michelle Duggar has raised A LOT of healthy, happy, well behaved children, and their house always looks clean. I don't know how she does it.
Some day I will be like her.... with less children.


  1. I love you just the way you are! I think clean houses are highly overrated. You're doing an amazing job at being a wonderful mother and wife.

    I'm with you about the need to de-stress once in awhile. Parking in front of the TV is a good way to relax. Embrace it!

  2. That is way cute of you! I like TV too. lol but I like to watch comedies mostly... :)

  3. I think you'll be JUST like her...with the 19 kids!

  4. I love TLC. And the Food Network, and HGTV. I love TV therapy.

  5. Very funny Kathryn. It'll take 19 kids for me to finally name one of them Adler.

  6. I LOVE THAT SHOW, 19 kids and counting! What an amazing lady for real! And those kids are sooo adorable! I think you could defiantly be like Michelle! I already think your amazing woman and wonderful mom!
