Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 Months

It's hard to believe that I have a 10 month old baby. In just two more months he will be 1 year old! This is what Dallin has been up to recently:
  • He now weighs 14 lbs 5.5 oz. That's 3.5 oz in 2 weeks. Not bad... And he has officially doubled his birth weight. Wahoo!
  • He has 2 teeth now and they are sharp little guys.
  • He is talking a lot and he can say "Dada." Of course it's always followed by "Adadidoodoodegoo." I'm still trying to get him to make more "Mama" sounds. He makes a lot of "G" sounds too. Maybe for "Grandma"?
  • He really likes to jump, bounce and dance. Really, he just likes standing up. It makes him feel like a big boy.
  • We're still working on crawling. He can scoot a little bit, but it's usually backwards.
  • He loves sitting in the seat in grocery shopping carts. It makes him smile even more while we're shopping, if that's possible.
I don't have any new pictures of Dallin, and he's asleep now so I'm not even gonna try to get one. So here is a picture of Mckay as a baby. What do you think? Does Dallin look like him?


  1. Yes he looks like him, but I see you too. :)

  2. McKay looks like he could have turned out to look like that one kid Spanky (I think) from The Little Rascal's movie...the Main kid who was in charge of the no girls club. Just thought I'd throw that in there...

  3. Mckay was pretty darn cute as a baby (in fact, he's still pretty darn cute)--but I think Dallin might be just the tiniest bit cuter! There is definitely a resemblance there. Make sure Dallin keeps working on the "G" sound for grandma. That will be the most important word in his 10 month old vocabulary.
