Monday, August 4, 2014

Washington D.C. - The Smithsonians

During our trip in June, we went to the Smithsonian National Zoo in DC.

(You can kind of see my 16 week pregnant belly barely poking out in this picture.)

We somehow chose the hottest day of our entire trip to spend outside at the zoo all day. We each brought a water bottle and had to stop for refills about every 30 minutes, but we stayed hydrated! We really liked the zoo. The pandas were really neat to see and the boys always love to see gorillas.

One of the best memories of our zoo visit was seeing the orb weaver spiders in the Invertebrate house. (So memorable that I didn't think to take any pictures of it.) The spider "enclosure" is separated from the rest of the room only by a 2 foot ledge. It is an open display with no glass, nothing to physically keep the large spiders from roaming free around the zoo. We could literally have reached out and touched the spiders, but most people would be too frightened to do that, so the spiders stay safe. Once the female has built her web, these 4 or 5 inch long spiders will never leave their web. They are mostly blind, so they stay on their web and wait until bugs are caught, then they follow the web vibrations to their prey. We happened to be there when the spiders were being fed. A volunteer zoo keeper had a container of small crickets and he would try to gently place one cricket at a time on the web for the spider to eat. He wasn't having any luck getting the crickets to stick to the web, so the spider never made it down the web far enough to eat the cricket, and the cricket would fall down into the bushes and mulch below (The real reason for the 2 foot ledge around the spiders: to keep the fallen crickets contained.) Eventually, the container of crickets ran out and we still did not get to see the spider eat. Mckay saw a cricket walking by in the mulch in the open of the enclosure, so he reached down and caught it quickly, I think intending to give the volunteer another shot at feeding, but by this time, the volunteer had already walked away. Now Mckay was standing there with his hands cupped around a cricket, wondering what to do with it. So he threw it into the web of one of the spiders. The cricket stuck and the spider instantly slid down the web and began to eat the cricket! It was amazing to watch! Several fellow bystanders cheered, quietly applauded Mckay and patted him on the back. He finally gave us the show we had all been waiting for! And then we quickly got out of there before Mckay tried to catch another cricket. 

 Another day, we saw the rest of the Smithsonian Museums. There were a few we were interested in seeing in a short span of time, so we planned an hour in each one. That's not nearly enough time to really see each one, but it gave us a little taste.
 The Air and Space Museum was a hit.

 The boys really liked all the "skeletons" at the Natural history museum.

The American history museum was also really cool. I wish we'd been able to spend more time there.

 This Spongebob mail box we found was definitely worth photographing.

Inside the Smithsonian Castle, there was a replica of said castle on display made from Legos.
An otherwise uninteresting building was now very interesting to the kids.

We also stopped by the Library of Congress.
This is as close as you can get. This picture was taken from the viewing room, which you can enter and see into the library from behind a thick glass wall. We really thought we'd get to go in and see shelves and shelves of books, so we were a little bummed. The movie National Treasure is suddenly seeming very unrealistic. (The plot was still totally plausible in my mind until now. :)  )

We did go to the gift shop thought and Mckay tried to steal the Declaration of Independence.

More on D.C. and the national mall to come. I'm almost done blogging about June!


  1. Once again, you remind me why I want to be your neighbor! You're my favorite kind of person. That news about the Library of Congress is tragic! Next we'll find out that the preservation room really IS for delicious jams and jellies...

    When we were in New York last month, we walked to Trinity Church. It was closed, but it was still fun to see!

  2. How fun! I've never been to DC so it's on my list. I will definitely check out the orb spiders when we're there.
