Saturday, March 29, 2014

March odds and ends

Dallin is learning how to write his name. I don't know if you can see it, but this totally says "Dallin."
His letters have gotten even better since writing this a month ago. He amazes me.
 Dallin with a pocket full of Legos.
Good idea to keep them handy in a pocket. you never know when you'll need to build something.
I got my hair cut.
I haven't had my hair this short in a long time (like 15 years) but I really like it. Also, Connor took this picture. It's a little blurry, but he's getting pretty good.
 On St. Patrick's Day, we had our traditional dinner of Corned beef and cabbage. For breakfast, I made a green smoothie with spinach. 
I added a few too many strawberries so it wasn't quite the bright green I thought it would be. It was more of a "yoda" green, but still very tasty.
It has still been cold and wintery here, so Connor has worn this sweater a lot. 
He picked out the sweater and light wash jeans. It made me laugh all day because he looked like a 90's kid straight out of Saved by the Bell.

Connor (and Dallin too) really likes helping with the dishes. Every time they climb up to the sink now to wash their hands after a meal, they rinse a few dishes while they're at it. Such helpful boys! Before we shot this video, Connor said, "I'm doing dishes for you, Mommy."

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