Thursday, December 12, 2013

Little moments

Do you ever have moments where you look around at your kids, your spouse, your life, etc. and you just can't help but smile and feel overwhelmed with happiness? It happens to me sometimes. I spend a lot of my days feeling stressed, running from place to place, always telling my kids "Do this now!" or "Don't do that ever!", and I'm trying to spend more time enjoying life and taking moments to relax and savor the little moments. It's those times when I slow down and take a look around that I feel so lucky and blessed with the life I have. 

Here are a few of the moments this week that made me smile:

I was using oranges for baking, and Dallin (who has previously stayed far away from oranges) picked one up and started licking it. I cut off a little segment for him and he began eating it.
This is a miraculous event! The only fruits Dallin will eat are cantaloupes and grapes. And cantaloupe this time of year is gross and expensive, so I'm overjoyed to find something else he will eat.
At the grocery store this week, we passed some oranges and Dallin asked for some, then happily put them in the basket. I'm cautiously optimistic about this.

I tried to take a decent looking picture of the boys together and actually got a few good shots.
I love Connor's smile here.

And this brotherly love is pretty cute.

A recent snowfall meant it was time to shovel the driveway and play in the snow.

Connor used a sand shovel to help me.
While very ineffective, this is ridiculously cute.

This video warms my heart. Connor  picked up my scriptures and started turning through the pages, "reading" outloud: "Heavenly Father loves me."
I'm not quite sure where he picked up that exact phrase, but we must be doing something right.


  1. When did Connor get to be so grown up?! Those brother pictures are so cute and Connor looks so big in them. I love those moments that make you smile.

  2. What a sweet video of Connor reading the scriptures. Sheri, your boys are such treasures!

  3. What a sweet video of Connor reading the scriptures. That's one to remember!
