Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 30: Dallin

The month is practically over, but I couldn't end it without devoting a whole post to Dallin.

I'm so grateful that Dallin is part of our family. He is an amazing person. He is kind to everyone and loves to meet new people. His smile is contagious.

His abilities amaze me. He has a gift for puzzles and can do puzzles better than other kids his age. He is a really big help to me, always willing to help set the table or unload the dishwasher.
Or watch the grill for me.

Dallin is a very loving, big brother.
He looks out for Connor. When Dallin gets a treat or reward, he want to make sure that Connor gets one too. If Dallin wants a fruit snack, he always grabs one for himself AND Connor He's very supportive of Connor's interests. As we drive around town, Dallin points out the train tracks to Connor and cheers when we drive over them, even though Dallin doesn't really care about trains himself. It's all for the happiness of his brother. Dallin is a good sport and lets Connor do pretty much anything to him, like wipe his face:

 Since Dallin was born with Williams Syndrome, we've been through a lot of difficulties and trials as a result. 

I'm grateful for the difficulties because they've helped us grow. It's easier to find joy in the little things. Simple things like Dallin saying the prayer in Primary at church bring a big smile and tears of joy because we struggled for so long with him not being able to speak at all. Seeing him eat three slices of pizza at once is an amazing sight because I remember when the sight of food would make him gag. Dallin has made me more accepting and understanding of people with disabilities. He has made me research and learn, and I know more than I ever thought I would about heart conditions and calcium and genetics and physical therapy.
I've learn how to be an advocate for my son.

When we participate in Walks for WS and raise awareness, I do it not only for Dallin but for 30,000 other children and adults like him in the United States.

I'm grateful for that I get to be Dallin's mom.
I am far from the perfect mother I thought I would be, but I try harder to be better everyday because of Dallin (and Connor too). When I am angry or sad, Dallin is always right there to give me a hug or say the right words to make me feel better. He is very sympathetic and thinks of other.

I'm so thankful for my sweet Dallin. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I can't believe how tiny he looks in some of those pictures. He has gotten so big! I mean, he's still so little, but for him he's big. :)
