Don't you love getting mail? I mean real mail that a person you know sent to you. It always brightens my day to know that someone was thinking of me. It's even more exciting when you weren't expecting anything. We got a surprise package in the mail today.
It was a Christmas package from my brother and his wife. They have our family for Christmas this year. Good job on getting your shopping done early guys!
Dallin was very excited about the Star Wars stickers in the box.
Connor was excited about the candy in the box.
Yes, Dallin's pants are on backwards. His doing, not mine.
We had to find somewhere to put the presents until Christmas, so we set up our Christmas tree. We usually wait until the day after Thanksgiving, but Dallin and Connor were really excited for it so we did it.
The boys ask all the time now if it can be Christmas and if they can open the presents. They are doing surprisingly well with leaving the presents alone. We haven't had to re-wrap any yet. Now their attention has turned to the box that the presents were mailed in.
"Oh no! They found me! I must hide!"
That was speedy! I sent the box early so you could use the advent chocolates and window clings in December, but the post office said it was expected by November 28th. I wanted the kids to have something to enjoy when they opened it so they wouldn't bug you to open the gifts. They're so sweet it was fun to shop for them. Now I'm excited to get a tree up, too!