Saturday, September 7, 2013

First day of the last year of Preschool

Dallin is back in Preschool. This will be his last year in preschool before starting Kindergarten next year. I can't imagine this child ever being big enough to be in Kindergarten.

We did a little photo shoot before Dallin's bus came. He was hamming it up for the camera.

First day of school shoes:

Connor was also very excited to see the bus.
He would have liked it even more if he had gotten a ride on it.

Here is a video right as the bus was pulling up to our house. They boys could see it off in the distance and got very excited. Dallin calls it "Dallin's bus."

Dallin was very excited to be back at school with his friends. He had a rough first week with making it to the potty in time at school and had several accidents. I think it was just the excitement of a fun place and friends and learning a new routine. He's been doing much better at staying dry now.

1 comment:

  1. He looks so grown up. So much older than his first year of preschool.
