Thursday, July 11, 2013


Dallin had surgery at the end of June. After several instances of fluid in his ears and failed hearing tests, we decided that Dallin needed ear tubes put in to help the fluid drain. It is supposed to be a very simple, 5 minute procedure, but that still didn't make me feel any less nervous about it.

Dallin wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything past midnight before the surgery, so we let him stay up a little late that night to pack on some final calories.

We were due at the hospital by 7am in Indianapolis (an hour away) so we woke up really early. Shout out to the Hartwells (with 2 kids of their own, one being a newborn baby) who willingly agreed to watch Connor at 5:45am so we could concentrate on Dallin at the hospital. We have great friends.

Once we got checked in at the hospital, Dallin changed into a hospital gown and was given a teddy bear to keep. 
Dallin has always looked super adorable in a hospital gowns, despite the circumstance that cause him to wear one. (like this and this.)

The nurses did paperwork and 5 or 6 people asked us the same questions over and over for about an hour.
Dallin and Mckay snuggled up in the bed and watched TV while we waited.

Then the nurses took him away. The doctor came back to us 10 minutes later and said the procedure was done. Five minutes after that, Dallin was awake from the anesthesia and we got to see him. He was a little whiny and groggy. I think he was just mostly confused about why he suddenly fell asleep and why his head felt so weird.

We got him dressed, gave him a drink of water and walked out of the hospital 5 minutes later. I was surprised at how quickly they let us leave. Dallin was feeling fine though. He spent the hour drive home just sitting and relaxing and by the time we got there, he was back to his old happy self and ready to chow down. 


  1. Dallin does look so cute in his hospital gown. I'm glad everything went so well, and so quickly too!

  2. Holy cow that IS fast! They gave Olivia too much anesthesia for her surgery (the doctor finished a scheduled 90 minute surgery in 45) so she was completely zonked out and had a really hard time waking up!
