Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mall of America

We HAD to go to the Mall of America while we were in Minnesota. Our first stop was the Lego store.
Dallin was in heaven. He was running around playing with all the legos he could touch and sorting them according to color and shape.
There was some Lego artwork.
Each little square of color is a  tiny lego.
 There were several structures made from Legos above the store.

 When one of the structures tried to eat Dallin...
 we decided to move on.
 While eating lunch in the food court, we unexpectedly ran into Sue and Sara Hodgson. The Hodgsons are old friends of my family from St. Louis. Now they live in Minnesota. It was a crazy coincidence that they happened to be at the mall at the same time as us. It was fun seeing them.
We had someone take a picture for us to prove we were in the same place at the same time. Too bad you can't trust other people to take a good picture.
Next we went to Nickelodeon Universe, the indoor amusement park at the mall. We bought a few tickets for some rides.
The boys were so excited, they could hardly stay in line for rides and tried to squeeze through the bars.
 Dallin is a little hesitant when it comes to rides, so we chose gentle ones and he really enjoyed himself.

 Connor was fearless and loved every ride.
Don't let his expression fool you. His face looked blank like this on every ride. That's just him soaking in all the fun and excitement. He liked the small roller coaster so much that when it ended, he said, "More. More." Then when I started to unbuckle him and remove him from the seat he screamed, "MORE! MORE! MORE!!!"
Here's the view of the whole park from the top of the ferris wheel.
 Dallin was a little nervous about being up so high, but he was ok as long as Mckay held onto him.
 Probably the best part of the day was getting to meet Spongebob Squarepants. Dallin loves watching SpongeBob, more than any other show. (Why? I have no idea...)
Dallin was so excited to see SpongeBob, he ran right to him and gave him a hug.
I think Dallin was so surprised to actually be seeing him life-size and in person.
 They posed for a picture together.
Then there was jumping
and more hugging.
This seriously made his day.
On our way out of the mall, we stopped at the Peeps store to see all the marshmallow candy and get a free sample for everyone. Dallin didn't really eat his, he just held it until the chocolate and marshmallow melted all over his hand.
Now we've crossed two more things off our summer list: See the Mall of America and Meet SpongeBob Squarepants!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures with Sponge Bob are awesome! That is so cute. That Lego store looks amazing too! The pictures out of Legos are so cool. What a fun trip.
