Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break

Last week was Dallin's spring break from school. It started with a really warm Saturday and we actually got to go outside and enjoy the sun for a bit. Really, it was barely over 50 degrees, but when it's been freezing cold for so long, 50 feels warm.
 My boys are so artistic... and so good at writing each other's names.
 Then it snowed all day Sunday and into Monday. When we ventured back out into the world on Monday, this is what we saw:
 The boys could barely climb over the snow drift to play. They were grabbing fist fulls of snow and throwing it to the side to clear the pathway. I applaud their helpfulness, but a shovel was much faster.
Compare this snowy landscape to the warm Saturday only days before. And then a few days later it got warm again and all that snow was gone by the next Saturday. This is crazy spring weather!

It took quite a long time to shovel the driveway. I had to do it in shifts. I thought I'd be a cool, fun mom and shovel a maze in the snow for the boys to go through. 
 They walked in it for about 30 seconds. I guess they felt trapped and couldn't find an exit (I made several) because Connor started crying and Dallin began tunneling out the side wall.
This is what happens when I try to do fun things.

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