We've been working with Dallin on learning colors. He will repeat the names of colors, but can't identify the correct color on his own yet. I put together a little activity to help him practice naming colors.
I cut a circle from colored construction paper and put it in a bowl, then I let Dallin sort the colored blocks into the corresponding bowl. We said the name of each color as he placed the block in the bowl.
Then I gathered up all the solid colored toys in his room and brought those out for him to sort.
He was pretty excited that I was going to let him sort all of these toys.
We soon discovered that the bowls were not big enough, so we switched them out for dinner plates.
He's really good at matching colors properly, we just need to work on knowing the right color names, rather than just guessing. "Gween? Lellow?"
He was proud of his accomplishment.
And then he started posing with pieces from each plate.
I'm not sure why. It was really making me laugh though.
Connor is learning new things too. I give him a spoon one day at lunch to try feeding himself, and he figured it out!
He can eat with a spoon, the problem now it just getting him to eat the food rather than play in it.
He's learning to be helpful and clean up too. He'll put laundry in a basket and he tries to help unload the dishwasher. But when the dishwasher is already empty, he'll take the bottom rack out. And then he'll fill it up with laundry.
I wonder if the clothes would get clean that way.
Ha! I love that Connor puts the clothes into the dish washer rack. Good job learning colors Dallin!