Thursday, November 29, 2012


Dallin is enjoying all the cartoon Christmas specials on TV right now. His favorite is the Charlie Brown Christmas. We borrowed that one from the library and watched it several times already. Dallin likes to sit on the warm laundry fresh from the dryer. One night he was watching the Charlie Brown Christmas when I pulled some laundry out. He was conflicted: sit on the warm laundry in the laundry room, or watch Charlie Brown? Solution: he dragged the basket by himself in front of the TV.

The day after Thanksgiving, we got out our Christmas decorations.
Dallin is really excited about Christmas. Specifically, he's excited about the presents under the tree. He's been to several birthday parties over the last few months, so he knows what presents are and he's finally excited for them to be for him. Every morning, he wakes up and asks if it's present day. Don't worry, we'll spend the next month teaching him that Christmas is about more than presents.

We put the tree in a corner and a baby gate in front of it. Connor is at the perfect age where he can get into all kinds of trouble, but doesn't quite understand being disciplined yet. Dallin has figured out a way around the  baby gate. He climbs up on the couch and goes over the arm. 
Then he turns the lights on and stacks all the presents from biggest to smallest.

The nativity sets are displayed op top of the bookshelf. Dallin discovered he can reach them by using a laundry basket, step stool, or overturned shoe basket to stand on.
I've found a few sheep and a manger lying around, but nothing is missing so far.


  1. Lucas is really excited about Christmas this year, and asks if it's Christmas morning a couple times a day. They are so cute playing with the nativity. You need to get them a kid one to play with.

  2. We do have the fisher price kid nativity, but they think the real ones are cooler.

  3. Its cute that Dallin is so excited for Christmas. I can't wait to see both of the boys. Christmas is getting closer! I love nativites, so I love that Dallin loves nativities too.

  4. Yay for Christmas decorations! I set up a kid friendly nativity for Olivia but she doesn't seem to care about anything but milk and pacifiers...
