Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Misfit pictures

I was looking over pictures I took from the month of August. Most of them were already posted because  they fit in a blog post of similar pictures (like Dallin's first day of school), but some of the pictures stood alone, misfit pictures, not really requiring an entire post of their own, but still worth seeing.

Like the day I looked out into our front yard and saw about 30 geese on our grass. 
 They were just hanging out, slowly making their way across to the neighbor's yard. This particular gaggle of geese lives near a pond about a mile away. They have their own "Geese crossing" sign and are known for making motorists angry as they take their dear sweet time crossing the four lane road. I'm still trying to figure out why they came all the way over to our house.
We went to the pool a few times this summer. One trip was with Dallin's friend Kendal and her family.
Those two have such a fun time together.
My aunt had a birthday, and since we couldn't be in Utah to celebrate with her, we sent her a picture of the boys wishing her a Happy Birthday. I wanted to share these pictures because I love their facial expressions.
First try on taking the picture: Connor totally got it, but Dallin was still trying to figure out what the picture frame was for.

We got a good shot after a few tries. 
Dallin had a play date that required me shuttling his friend to and from our house. Of course, I had to take my two boys along in the car, so we fit all three of them with car seats on the back seat.
It was a VERY snug fit and I wouldn't feel comfortable driving a long distance on a highway the way they were strapped in, but for 5 minutes on side streets they were fine. In the future when we have a third child, we might need to upgrade to a bigger vehicle. Or find really narrow car seats.
Connor is tall enough (and has enough stability) to jump on our kid trampoline and hold onto the bar. Dallin couldn't stand to see Connor get all the spotlight, so he had to "jump" in.
I love hearing these boys laugh together.

1 comment:

  1. I love the trampoline video. They are having so much fun.
