Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lonely Weekend

Mckay has been gone for most of the past 2 days. The Chemical Engineering department at Purdue is hosting prospective grad students this weekend. Mckay volunteered to help with the events and drive the guests around town. There are mixers and things going on until midnight each night, so the kids and I have pretty much been on our own at home. (Mckay did come home to sleep for a bit last night.)

We've been trying to keep busy so we don't miss Mckay too much. Dallin has been helping me with things.

He helped me make a Frittata for dinner last night.

I asked him to smile and this is the face I got.

I made homemade yogurt. Here it is wrapped in towels incubating in the oven.

It was a fascinating experience and it turned out pretty tasty.
Connor has been getting lots of tummy time and he's become quite chatty.
That would be Dallin's finger on the lens at the end.

Connor also played the piano with me.
It amazes me that this boy still will not roll over, but he will practically sit up all by himself to reach the piano keys.

Dallin helped me wash the sheets and put the pillow cases back on the pillows.
Well, he tried to.I got a lot done around the house this weekend, but I think we'd all rather have Mckay home to spend the weekend with.


  1. Having husbands gone is hard, especially with babies. I do usually get a lot of chores done, though. Those boys are looking so cute! Have Dallin show Connor how to roll over.

  2. Hi! I'm a mom to a little boy with WS in Norway. He makes the same funny faces that Dallin makes ;)

  3. Good job on the yogurt. Did it take long to make?

    The boys are fun to watch. Thanks.

  4. I love Dallin's funny face in the picture with the Frittata. Every once in awhile I look at it just to make myself smile! I would really love to try homemade yogurt. I've thought about it a couple of times but I never had nerve enough to try it. I love videos and pictures of the boys. I miss them so much!
