Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First Day of Preschool

 Dallin started preschool this week. His preschool is provided through the local school corporation for children that are developmentally delayed. He goes 3 days a week in the afternoon. Since he turns 3 soon, the therapists that have been working with him weekly will stop coming, and the therapists at the preschool will replace them.

He was really excited to wear his new backpack, even if he didn't know what was happening yet.
He gets to ride the bus to and from preschool. We waited outside for the bus to come.
 I had to take a picture of his "first day of school" shoes.
 And then Dallin wanted to take a picture of Connor.
 His bus pulled up and I helped him up on the bus. He went right over the the aide on the bus and she helped Dallin into his seat.
 He was kind of looking around, trying to figure out what was going on, but he didn't cry or anything when I said goodbye.

I waved to him and the bus drove away.
You can't really see him in this picture, but I could see his little face through the window, right above the 103.

I don't really know how his day went because he can't talk to tell me about it, but his teacher sent a note home saying he had a great day and that fit in really well like an old pro!

She emailed me a picture of him from class.
 It looks like he had fun.

When he got home off the bus he seemed tired.
Preschool is hard work.


  1. What a cute little preschooler he is. I'm sure it was hard to send such a young little guy to school, but it looks like he did well.

  2. I LOVE Lucas's early childhood programs! We are so lucky to live in a time where these programs are available. What a cute little kid!

  3. He looks so happy on his first day of school. I'll bet his new teacher and classmates love having him around.

  4. Hooray for the first day of school "shoes" picture. That was always my favorite thing about the first day of school--new shoes. I also love the picture of Dallin collapsed in the doorway and all tuckered out. Its hard to believe that he is off to school already, but I'm glad there are programs available to help him learn and grow.
