Friday, February 24, 2012

The Dishwasher's Apprentice

Dallin is becoming quite the little helper with unloading the dishwasher. He loves doing it. I'm not surprised since it involves two of his favorite activities: sorting and stacking. He asks at least twice daily if we can unload the dishwasher. His way of asking is standing by the dishwasher, pulling on the handle and saying "Open!" as clearly as he can until I relent.

On occasions when the dishwasher is opened and found to be empty, he gets this look of disappointment on his face. This looks says, "Why is this not full of dishes? Have you done nothing the whole time I was sleeping?!"

When it is full of dishes, he's pretty good at putting them away. He knows where things go and can put them in their cabinets and drawers (with a little help from me). When it comes time to unload the silverware, I take our silverware tray from its drawer and he sorts into the compartments. Aside from a few mix ups with small and large forks/spoons, he gets them mostly right.
Despite his skill, he is still a 2 year old so you have to watch him closely because he can get carried away. Sometimes I feel a little like Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer's Apprentice. If I have him sorting the silverware, but then get distracted for a minute and I'm not there to stop him, he'll keep going and start sorting the silverware back into the dishwasher.
Every. last. piece.

And he'll sneak some of the Tupperware away and play with it.
When I catch him, I make him sort the silverware back properly.
He doesn't look very happy about that.


  1. So cute! What is it with kids and the dishwasher? Lucas loves to help unload it too, and he knows where more of the stuff goes than Ryan does.

  2. I LOVE Dallin's faces! Especially the middle one where he just looks indignant. He is a very good sorter. If you're lucky, he'll still love to unload the dishwasher when he's a teenager.

  3. I second the love of Dallin's faces. If you want, you can move in next door and Dallin can unload our dishwasher too.

  4. Great sorting skills. Way to go Dallin.
