Monday, January 2, 2012

The End of 2011

On New Years Eve, we got together with a bunch of friends for a fondue party. Part of the night's festivities included a talent show. We weren't given much advanced notice though, so we had to come up with a talent to show off in a short amount of time.

Mckay's talent was that he can fit a lot in his large mouth. He fit 23 grapes in his mouth.
I'm so proud of him.

My talent was to do a reading of "There's a Wocket in my Pocket" from memory.
I memorized it at least 10 years ago and I still remember it all.

Dallin's talent was to point to his body parts (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) on command. He can do this really well and we practiced many times beforehand. But when he got up in front of the group, he wouldn't perform. It wasn't quite stage fright (I'm not sure Dallin is capable of that), it was more like he thought it was so cool that everyone was staring at him, all he could do was smile and stare back. He did point to his belly button though.

Looking back at 2011, it was a very eventful year, full of change for our family.

January: Patrick, our faithful 20 year old car died. It gave us an excuse to buy a newer car.
February: We found out that we were having another baby!
March: Dallin turned 2. He finally learned how to eat real food and hasn't stopped since.
April: We started plans for building a new house.
May: The local news aired a story on Dallin and Williams Syndrome. We participated in the walk for WS in Indianapolis.
June: Mckay's parents came to visit us and we showed them around Lafayette. Dallin finally started walking!
July: We went to Colorado for a short visit to see family. Dallin was too old to fly for free. :(
August: We signed papers for our house and officially became homeowners.
September: Our summer was very busy, full of therapy, doctor appointments, and lots of playing outside.
October: Connor was born on the 18th. He is a very welcome addition to our family.
November: Thanksgiving dinner for 15 Eastons was hosted at our house. There were 13 people sleeping in our small house. It was a little tight, but so much fun.
December: We had a wonderful Christmas and spent a lot of time together as a family. Dallin rang in the new year with style.
I love my handsome boy and his stylin' jeans.


  1. Wow, you guys did have a jam packed year. I know a lot of that Wocket in my Pocket book, but I don't know that I could do the whole thing from memory. Good job! Happy New Year.

  2. I never thought of memorized children's books as a talent...but it totally is! I've got so many of Luke's books memorized! Sometimes we even used to recite them in the car when he was bored and getting fussy!
    Happy New Year!

  3. You guys had a great year. I love the photos of Dallin. It is clear in the last photo that Mckay and Dallin love each other.

  4. Which handsome boy in the stylin' jeans are you referring to? Both Mckay and Dallin look pretty cute in that last picture. I love that you did a recap of your year. It has certainly been eventful for your family. Great pictures. Thanks for posting so many for me to look at.

  5. That's an impressive year. Great job on coming up with creative talents.
