Monday, January 30, 2012

2 boys

A few days ago, I was busy cleaning, and I realized that Dallin was being a little too quiet. This worried me since I was sure he was getting into something. I looked around and found him in his room. But he wasn't doing anything wrong, just being a perfect angel, playing with toys on his window sill.
Don't you love it when you're expecting something bad but find something much cuter?

Connor has been upgraded to the bumbo. He likes being able to sit up and see people much better than laying on the floor.
Dallin's reaction was interesting when he first saw Connor in the bumbo. You see, Dallin hasn't really gotten "jealous" of Connor using his old things, like his car seat and his crib. He doesn't seem to care. But Dallin and the bumbo go way back. Dallin used sit in the bumbo ALL the time. For the longest time, he was too small for his high chair, so the bumbo was his high chair. In fact Dallin was still eating in the bumbo right up until we moved into this new house. That was only 6 months ago. So when I pulled it out of the closet and sat Connor in it, Dallin went over and was being very sweet to Connor, rubbing his head. After a few minutes, he started to look annoyed and began nudging Connor (first gently, then not so gently) out of the seat. When I finally picked Connor up, Dallin got really excited and sat right down in the seat. And now Dallin keeps sitting in the bumbo when ever he can.

I guess there was bound to be some jealousy with something.


  1. Haha! That's really funny. I can't believe how grown up Connor looks in the Bumbo.

  2. I love that Dallin was playing with his nativity set characters in the window sill. Its kind of cute that Dallin wants to protect his territory with his beloved Bumbo. He'll be willing to share it eventually.

  3. It is fun to watch them grow up. Thank you for posting.
