Saturday, October 8, 2011

Easily Entertained

We have a marble track on our refrigerator that Dallin loves to play with. (What child wouldn't?)

One day he spent about 10 solid minutes doing this while I did the dishes:
If only he'd realized that he was holding the marble catching cup for the end of the track in his hand. It would have saved him a lot of walking back and forth.

This is another video of the same thing, but with a more amusing ending.


  1. That's pretty funny. He's so cute walking back and forth getting the marbles.

  2. I love how he is convinced that the marble must be under the dryer if he cannot see it. He looks so cute.

  3. I love these videos. He looks so cute walking back and forth. I'm pretty sure I saw the marble underneath his feet. I hope he figured out it wasn't under the stove.
