Friday, April 8, 2011

Big Changes

There are some big changes coming up for our family.

One change already happening is that Dallin has started to actually eat solid foods. It's amazing to give him a piece of food and watch him chew and swallow it. He's not eating everything yet; he sticks to soft foods (like mashed potatoes and refried beans) or foods that dissolve (like graham crackers, cookies or cheese puffs). I love being able to sit him down and have him actually consume a bowl of food. It's amazing! My problem now is that I don't know what to feed him. This is new territory! I only know how to feed babies milk. What do you feed them when they start eating?!
He really likes to eat mashed potatoes:
And he makes a big mess when he does it.

Notice the ankle braces Dallin is now sporting.
Here's a close-up:
It's called a Supra-Malleolar Orthosis (or SMO).
It keeps his ankles and legs in a proper, straight alignment to keep his feet in a position more conducive to walking.

Sine he started wearing them almost a month ago, his balance has improved tremendously, and he can stand up all by himself without holding onto anything for 10-20 seconds at a time.
He has even taken a step or to by himself from this position. He's not walking yet, but he is making great progress and his physical therapy is really helping to strengthen his muscles. I imagine he'll be walking on his own sometime this summer.

Another big change is that we're in the process of buying a house. Nothing is signed yet and no decisions have been officially made, but we've been looking at neighborhoods and houses and we have a pretty good idea of what we'd like to get. We're getting very excited about the thought of living in a much bigger, much nicer house in a few more months.

The biggest change is not very big at all right now; it's only about the size of a lime.
But in the coming months, Baby Easton #2 will get much bigger, along with my belly.
I'm 11 weeks along in this picture. I know I don't look very big, but trust me, this baby is growing and I feel bigger!
Our little baby should be joining the family around October 27, 2011.

We are very excited for all the growth and change that we'll be experiencing in the next few months.


  1. I'm so excited about all of these changes. You should try sweet potatoes with Dallin again. He kinda liked them before. And it is so fun to see him standing up. I definitely feel like he's grown a whole year in just the last 4 months. Keep me posted when you find out the gender. I want to make stuff!

  2. AHHHH!!! That's so great! First of all, that is great about Dallin! He'll be running around your new house in no time at all :) Second of all CONGRATS on baby #2! That is super exciting for you guys :) Funnily enough, I'm actually pregnant too!! We're due right around the same time...Nov 7th.
    Anyways, congrats, and I'm excited to hear more about all of your life changes!

  3. SO many exciting things happening!

    Dallin looks like he is doing great, and i love your cute little pregnant belly. Congratulations! :)

  4. Hip hip hooray! I'm excited to see another cute Easton! Awesome news all around.
    (Congrats, Cami, too!)

  5. We're so excited for you guys!!! Also I love little Dallin. That kid just melts my heart. Both Christian and I did a little happy dance reading about his progress. Christian seconds the sweet potatoes but insists you add butter and brown sugar. I think you should try giving him crepes with vanilla pudding and maybe a berry on top. Let us know how it goes.

  6. Those are all exciting changes. We are definitely looking forward to baby number 2.

    As for foods to try, I would recommend shrimp with cream sauce and lemon pie. He might not yet be ready for the texture of shrimp, but he might like the sauce.

  7. YAY!!! Congrats!! So exciting...that Dallin's eating more food! Baaahaaa...and that you're prego!

  8. Your pregnant little belly is tiny and cute. You're gonna have to grow it bigger in order to get a real baby out of it. It is so wonderful that Dallin is starting to eat. And I feel confident that he will be walking very soon.
