Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dallin's First Haircut

After almost 2 years, we decided it was finally time for Dallin to get his first haircut.
I've been hesitant to cut it because his hair is so thin and I didn't want him to look bald, but it was really getting long around his ears.
Mckay did the actual cutting. I worried that Dallin would be afraid of the clippers since he's afraid of other similar sounds like the vacuum, mixer and hair dryer. He was just fine though. We let him hold the clippers for a bit and we turned it on to let him get used to the sound before starting the trim.
He sat still on Mckay's lap the whole time and didn't cry or get scared at all. The biggest problem was that he kept trying to turn his head to look at what Mckay was doing.

Dallin put up with it all very well and his hair looks really good.
Mckay did a great job cutting and we think it makes Dallin look more grown up.
Dallin is still in awe over the whole experience.


  1. Oh I like it. It looks much better. Isn't it amazing how much older they look after the hair cut.

  2. He looks like he was completely mesmerized by the whole experience. You did a good job. The 'smiling picture' has about the hugest smile I've ever seen!
