Monday, January 31, 2011

Felt Food

I have a new obsession.

It all started on Christmas with a present my sister-in-law made for my nephew. I was fascinated. It was so cute, so fun and yet so simple.

I knew I had to make some for Dallin. I started googling, searching craft blogs and etsy shops. I went to Hobby lobby and bought supplies. I began crafting.

Introducing my first attempt at making Felt Food.
So far I have made a banana (with a removable peel) and 3 orange slices. I love them! They're so cute and really pretty easy to make.
The banana was my first experiment so the stitching is kinda funky. My skills have gotten progressively better and the third orange slice turned out quite well. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but my banana turned out pretty short and fat. But that's ok, I'll just say it's one of those little bananas from southeast Asia.
Here are the links for the banana tutorial and orange slice tutorial I used.

There's so much more felt food that I want to make, including pretty much everything on the list compiled at homemade by jill.

I love this felt donut from Escape Artist.
It makes me hungry just looking at it.

The food I'm making is for Dallin's birthday present (so don't tell him about it). It should be the perfect gift for him; he can play with food, but won't gag on it!


  1. These are SO cute!! Nice work on the peel. I couldn't have done that! I have been wanting to try felt food forever...I may just give it a try.

  2. Very cute! Good job. I saw a felt cake on this blog - That will go perfectly for his birthday.

  3. HA HA. You're right, perfect for Dallin. Your felt fruits are very cute. I almost want to eat them!

  4. Very impressive Sheri! I personally think the short stubby bananas taste the best anyway.
