Saturday, October 2, 2010


Finally, proof that Dallin can really crawl. He's crawling more and more and will go further distances now. To get him to crawl for this video, I had to bribe him with my wallet. This child would crawl miles to be able to play with my wallet and credit cards.
I love it! It makes me so happy every time I see him crawl. Even if he crawls to get into something he's not supposed to, I can't get mad at him because I'm just so proud of him.


  1. Yay! I'm so proud of him. He is seriously doing so well.

  2. A boy after my own heart. I would crawl miles to play with someone else's wallet and credit cards too! He is sooooo cute!

  3. Woohoo!! Good job Dallin! He's a smart boy going for that wallet.
