Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Water Fountain

Today we went to the Purdue campus to walk around and show Mom and Dad Easton where Mckay spends his days. The only part of campus I had been to before today was the chemical engineering building, so this was all new for me as well. It's a BIG campus.
There was a cool fountain on campus, and Dallin liked looking at it.

We decided that if there was a fountain like this on BYU's campus, there would be kids running through it all the time because so many of the students there have children. Here at Purdue, we are in a very small minority of students with a child. We got the fountain all to ourselves.


  1. That is a really cool fountain. Yeah, I'm pretty sure there would have been no room for Dallin had this been on BYU campus, and he doesn't need much space.

  2. I love water fountains. I think BYU should get one.
