Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Our blog title used to be "Eastons in the West." Since we're no longer living in the west, it doesn't really make sense. "Eastons in the Mid-West" has been our temporary title, but we're not sure if we love it. We toyed around with "The Purduestons," combining Purdue with our last name. We could just do something simple like "The Easton Family," but I want it to have more pizazz. So, any ideas? Start naming them off!

While you're at it, maybe you can help me by answering another question: Have you ever heard of a B.H.A.G. (pronounced BEE hag)? Mckay and I were talking about saving up for a house, and he said, "It will be our BHAG." I had never EVER heard that before, and Mckay couldn't believe that. He was acting like this was a very common word people use every day, like "table." It's an acronym, so the letters stand for something. Once again, I ask you, have you ever heard of a B.H.A.G.? And it doesn't count if you just barely googled it. I want to honestly know how many people have heard this before. And I want to be right and rub it in Mckay's face.


  1. I have never in my life heard of a BHAG. Sorry Mckay.

    I'll have to keep thinking of ideas for a title for your blog! :)

    Also, I love reading something from you everyday! It's been so fun!

  2. nope, never heard of it. Mckay's crazy.

  3. Never heard of it. And even if I had I would say I hadn't cause I want you to be able to say, "I told you so."

    I kinda like Eastons in the mid west, but that's mostly just because of what it used to be so I think it's funny. I'll let you know if I think of something else.

  4. I have no idea what a BHAG is... I'm gonna have to google it. And I actually really liked the Eastons in the Mid-West. I'm all for keeping it but I'll try to think of something pizazzy just in case.

  5. I just googled it... Mckay is weird:)

  6. I've never heard of it before. Your new name made me smile because of what your name was before. I like how you made the adjustment to better suit what is true.

  7. He is crazy...never heard of it in my life. And as for blog title. I like it. Very fitting

  8. Well, I still think Mckay is pretty freaking awesome, but I confess I have never, ever, no not even once before in my entire life heard of BHAG.

    Eastons in the Mid-west is cute. If you want something with pizzazz, how about 'The More West Than Eastons' or 'Moving Toward the Eastons' or 'Mid-Westerly Eastons'

  9. Go with the Eastons in the Mid-west. It works. We might have change the California Crapos now with addition of mom and dad in California. I've definitely heard of BHAG. To BHAG or not to BHAG? That is the question. Oh wait, maybe not.
