Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Our ward Halloween party/Chili cook-off was last night and we went as Aladdin, Jasmine, and Abu. My mom got the monkey costume for Dallin a few months ago, so we tried to think of a theme that all three of us could use for our costumes that included a monkey. Of course, this was the best one.

I made the vests for both of the boys and Mckay made the hats.
My costume was assembled entirely from things that I already had in my closet.
(Doesn't every girl have a pink jingly scarf?)
We had a good time eating chili and seeing friends. I think Dallin's favorite part was playing with his Daddy.


  1. Oh wow, your hair looks so good Sheri! How did you do that? :p I thought your costumes were great.

  2. Sheri, your costumes really look great. I'm amazed that you did such a good job on your costume when you had so little time to come up with things to make it out of. You are so clever and creative.
    I just can't get enough of seeing pictures of Dallin!

  3. I love the theme. You guys make a pretty good Jasmine and Aladin. And Dallin is SO stinkin' cute!!

  4. I am pretty sure I have the same Jingly scarf... only in blue.. :-D
    (good times, good times!)

  5. Um, Jasmine wore blue, not pink. Get it right next time.

    P.S. Your kid is a cute little monkey! Aren't babies the best?

  6. Great costumes and the monkey was the cutest. He seems especially happy when he is with his dad.

  7. Very clever costume. I never would have come up with that.
