Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to Solid Food

Here is the first attempt at feeding Dallin rice cereal.

The initial shock

He liked having the spoon in his mouth, he just couldn't quite figure out how to swallow it. It would just leak back out.

But he was so proud of himself

until he started to get frustrated and tired.

So the first attempt was not very successful.
We'll try again tomorrow.


  1. I love those pictures, though. What a cutie.

  2. I miss you guys! I'll have to come and play soon.

    What a trooper... marching into the unknown land of rice cereal. ha...

  3. I can understand getting cranky after trying to eat and not being successful. I would be cranky too. Way to go Dallin! He is on his way to the appreciation of fine foods.

  4. good luck!! he's doing just fine...rice cereal tastes terrible anyway...we started with squash and cereal mixed...much better.

  5. You should mix some yummy bananas or peaches in there. He would love that mixture. He looks so cute trying to hold his own spoon. Once he figures out the whole swallowing thing he will be an eating machine. Go Dallin! Grampa can't wait to feed him pumpkin pie...

  6. these made me laugh
