Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun in the Sun

A few weeks ago Dallin and I went to Seven Peaks waterpark.

Ryan, Katie and Lucas came too.

Lucas showing off his big muscles

It was a lot of fun. I've taken Dallin to the pool a few times, and at first he really didn't like the water. But he's starting to enjoy it. Both the babies did well in the water. Dallin likes to stare at the water and watch the ripples and light reflecting through it. He'll even splash his hands and legs in it sometimes.

He got cold after a while
Even the big kids got to have some fun. The babies took a nap while we were there. Our wonderful sister Sarah watched the babies for us while the moms went on some waterslides. It was very thrilling. Having been pregnant for 9 months and then having a little baby with me all the time, I haven't done anything that adventurous for over a year!


  1. I miss Seven Peaks. It is nice having my own pool within a block that is free though.

  2. Those are some cute pictures. We'll have to go again sometime soon.

  3. i,ve been wanting to take myles to the pool but am waiting until he is a little bigger. cute blog!
