Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4 month Check up

Dallin will officially be 4 months old in 2 more days. I can't believe he's growing up so fast! He's sitting up very well with support and he's almost ready to sit on his own, but not quite yet. Every once in a while he shows interest in rolling over, but for the most part is content to lay still. He has very big eyes and he's always looking around soaking up the world around him. He watches the little things we do (like eating, cooking, writing, folding laundry) and I can just see his brain working to figure out what we're doing and why we do it. He is very strong in his arms and legs. He has been able to support his weight with his legs since about 3 weeks old, but now he does it even better. If you hold onto his hands and give him a gentle pull up, he'll do the rest himself and pull up to a standing position. He's always smiling and talking. I'm constantly amazed at how much he is growing up and learning.

He had his 4 month check up yesterday. Here are the numbers:
Weight: 11 lbs 5.5 oz
Length: 23.5 in
Head circumference: 40 cm

We knew that Dallin would be weighing pretty low at this appointment. His cousin Lucas is 2 months younger and 2 lbs heavier. He's gained 1/2 a pound in the past 2 months. The doctor wasn't super worried about it though. Now that he's getting more active, it's typical for babies to be using more of their calories and storing less of them. It's just something we need to be aware of. Before I would generally let Dallin set his feeding schedule, but now I'm trying more to make sure he has more frequent feedings to try to give him more calories. Other than his weight, he amazed the doctor at how well he is progressing and developing. We have a pretty amazing little boy and I'm excited to see the ways he'll continue to amaze us.


  1. Yay! That's so exciting! We just got our stats from the doctor yesterday (the rest of our 4 month check up is on the 8th) height: 23.5 in, weight: 12 lbs 1 oz, head circ: 39.5. Hooray for cousins that are so close!

  2. He might have a tiny body--but he has a gigantic personality and a wonderful brain working diligently to process all that information he is gathering while he watches you so intently! You and Mckay are so blessed to have that little guy in your family. And, he is blessed to have you two for his parents. Aren't you just excited to see what Heavenly Father has in store for you?

  3. Too bad Lucas is going to whoop him in steam roller contests. :p Heehee. He really is getting to be a little cutie, though.
