Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ball and Chain

At first, it didn't seem like having oxygen at home for Dallin to use would be that big of a deal.  After experiencing it for 6 days, I will definitely be happy when we can get rid of it.  When you have a baby, you have to take it EVERYWHERE with you and you can't leave it unattended.  Even if you're just checking the mail or doing laundry, the baby has to be with you.  Of course, babies are just so dang cute and you love them so much because they're your own offspring that it's not a chore to bring the baby with you.  With this oxygen tank, I feel like I have twins, except one of the babies is heavy, ugly, metal, and I definitely did not give birth to it.  When we're getting ready to go somewhere, I have to get Dallin ready and in his car seat, but then I also have to get the oxygen ready by switching the tubing to the portable tank.  Where ever baby Dallin goes, baby oxygen tank goes too.  Even when we're at home, the extra long tubing that makes it possible to reach every room in the house gets tangled up and caught on things.  So again, I'm holding Dallin with one arm and the other is holding the evil twin, snaking it around corners.  Dallin and the oxygen don't really get along.  The tubing is always picking on Dallin, falling off, irrating Dallin's nose and getting in the way.  But when Dallin complains or fights back, the oxygen always wins the battle.  Poor guy. When the oxygen tank gets low, you have to feed it.  It's not as easy as just sitting down and feeding a baby.  You have to get someone else who has the right "food" to replace the depleted stores.  And you have to order it the day before, so you have to watch the meter to see how empty the tank it.  The one good thing about the tank is that meter.  Sometimes I wish Dallin had a meter that would tell me how long until he get's hungry or how much longer he'll be sleeping.  It would be a little easier to plan my day.  OK, ball and chain, you get one point.  I'm still not claiming you as my child.


  1. Hee hee, that was funny. I feel too bad for Dallin having to have an evil twin, though.

  2. Amen, sister! And we thought we were done with ours...

  3. Sheri, your blog was too funny! I'm proud of you for keeping your sense of humor in spite of the lurking evil twin. I know you will be so much happier when you have your sweet little portable baby back. Someday these will just be memories...

  4. You are SO funny...that evil twin, you poor thing! You SURE didnt give birth to it!
