Friday, March 27, 2009

Still waiting...

Yep, still pregnant.

This is me at 40 weeks and 2 days. Don't let the picture fool you. It's not as much fun as it looks. At the doctor on Tuesday, the due date, we discussed the option of being induced, but I said I wanted to wait for a week to be induced, thinking it would be any day now. Now, I'm rethinking that. 3 days after the due date doesn't sound like it's that long, but when you're sitting around day after day with nothing to do except wait for a baby that doesn't want to come out, it's a LONG time. Especially when you didn't even expect to make it to the due date.

This is my mom, also waiting ever so patiently for the baby's arrival. She flew out here from St. Louis on Wednesday the 18th, and then we spent the rest of the week getting ready for the baby. We went shopping for all the things that we still needed to get. (You can tell from the top picture that the baby has more stuff in his room now than he did in the pictures from before.) We got a dresser and organized things, and I must say his room looks pretty darn cute now. We even got my hospital bag all packed and ready to grab at a moments notice. On Saturday, the 21st, we had a late St. Patricks Day dinner. I was worried that I was going to go into labor and miss the celebration, but I made it. We had corned beef, potatoes, carrots etc., the traditional food. It was delicious.

And now we're waiting. We're running out of things to do to distract me from the predicament. I've been trying to fill my time with things that are supposed to induce labor. I've done a lot of walking (which isn't so easy when you have an 8 pound baby resting on your pelvic bone), eating spicy foods, drinking raspberry tea (thanks to Sarah Easton!), all the things that people say will make you go into labor. Nothing. I'm just waiting patiently (or at least trying to) for some strong contractions that will send me into labor. We'll let you know when anything does happen!


  1. Hang in there... I promise, he WILL come. :) And, if needs be, being induced is no big deal. You're a trooper...maybe he's waiting to come to earth until Porter is ready to come home! :) Waiting does suck!

  2. I know this is SO not what you want to hear, but trust me as bad as you think it is right now, he is SOOOOOO much easier to take care of now then he will be once he comes out :) Go see another movie, get a pedicure, manicure, go out to lunch with your friends. Take a shower without any crying in the background. I know it's hard- but just treasure this time. It will be gone before you know it!

  3. you should go to aveda in the mall and get a pregnancy massage - they have some triggers that can put you into labor.

  4. I feel your pain. Sorry the tea hasn't worked yet. Try a monkey pile.

  5. Sheri, your blog is so fun! I am linking you ;) I hope all went well at the hospital!
